DKP Rules

DKP Rules:

What is DKP?

DKP stands for Dragon Kill Point. It is a looting system based on earning points for Raiding Instances and being able to use those points earned on items dropped during raids. In order to award people fairly for the time and effort they put into raids. This system is commonly used by guilds on many MMORPG’s. By taking the “Random” aspects out of rewarding players it eliminates new people that haven’t invested any time in a raid’s progression from receiving unjust rewards. In other words “You get what you work for” or “The harder you work the luckier you get”.

Earning Points:

First of all, this is a baseline and is subject to change as the game and raids progress. The exact point value of every raid will be decided by the officers.

1. On time – 5 Points

Getting the points for presence requires all of of these requirements being met:

a. Logging on and being invited into the raid group 30 minutes prior to the start time of the raid.

b. Being in the staging area before the start time of the raid, and moving out with the raid group at the start time.

c. As of 15 min to raid, you are considered late and the raid will start taking people that are on standby. If you have annotated you will be late in your signup note, your spot will be held up to raid start time.

d. Being prepared. This means:

i. Having the required items (onyxia key, spell reagents and etc.).

​ii. Having the required addons (dbm, monlith dkp and etc.).

​iii. Having read the required information (MC / Onyxia Guide, Raid Rules).

Flask Donation - 5 Points

12g required donation will be collected prior to raid. This is to provide flask of titans for both Main and Off tank to ensure Blackwing Lair goes smoothly.

2. Hours Spent – Tentative

If the raid takes long, the officers may decide to assign extra points to the raid to reward the effort. Excessive amount of time spent on planning, waiting or bidding does not count as time spent.

3. Bosses

a. All bosses are worth 5 points each.

​b. First time Bosses are worth double the normal amount of points.

4. Loot/Bidding

​a. You can ONLY Bid within the Limits of your Current amount of DKP that you have saved.

b. Bidding Priority

i. First priority for drops start with related specialization for that item; therefore, you must require the item as an upgrade or BIS for your main spec to bid DKP.

ii. Tanks will have main priority for tank Tier set items, each item will have a LC tax of -150 dkp, refer to Warrior tab in discord for a specific listing of Tank LC items.

​iii. If no one bids on an item for BIS or main spec, then bids for use in an off spec will be accepted.

iv. The winner of the bid will have that amount of DKP deducted from their account.


Breastplate of Might drops. Minimum Bid = 5, Minimum Increment = 2

Player 1 bids 15 points

Player 2 bids 17 points

Player 1 bids 17 points

Player 3 bids 25 points

Player 2 bids 27 points

Player 3 bids 27 points

The Bid Master rolls a “/random 2”

Player 2 wins Breastplate of Might for 27 points.

v. Raid Chat

When an item drops we expect our members to keep the raid channel and Discord clear so the bid master can accept bids. Bids are blind so make sure you get your bid in and you can ask the raid leader if he has received your bid.

c. Negative Points

Players may go into the negative only in certain circumstances.

​(1) If an Item drops for example a Druid Set Piece and there are only two Druids there on the Raid. ONE of the Druids already have the Item. That Set Piece will be given a Set Price which will be determined by the Raid Leader and All Officers on the Raid in /Officer Channel. The OTHER Druid will be given that Item for that Set Price and that person will go into the Negative DKP (this will generally be the minimum bid for an item). At No time can you ever Bid on an Item while in the Negative DKP. The Price determined will not be more than what can be earned two succesful raids. So rare classes like warlocks and priests will not end up with negative values.

​(2) If an item drops and all the people who need the item the raid have a negative DKP, then the one with the highest DKP gets the item.


Felheart Boots drops. Minimum Bid = 10

Warlock 1 has -6 points

Warlock 2 has -10 points

Warlock 1 wins Felheart Boots and his DKP becomes -16.

To prevent newcomers from *stealing* items from players with negative points, newcomers will not be able to get any items until they have accumulated 5 points.

d. Ties

If a Tie Bid takes place, then the two, or how-ever-many people involved in the Tie, will /random roll. The Winner of the /random roll will be charged the amount of DKP that was Bid on the Item.

e. Minimum Bid Item Values

All items have a minimum bid on them. This is to ensure that points earned are spent on items. Even if an item is not needed by anyone else in the raid there is still a minimum bid. The reason for this is simple. Certain classes, Warlocks for example, have no competition in raids. If no minimum bid were set for items that no one else wants or can use, then those people would be able to get most of their gear for little to no points. This would allow them to retain their points and easily out bid others on cross class items, against classes that have more competition for their armor set.

Armor BIS items: 15 dkp

Weapon BIS items: 50 dkp

Offspec/other: 5 dkp

Items values are based on the rarity and demand of the item.

f. Auctioning BOE Items

If a Bind on Equip item drops, it will be made available to all members in the Raid. The Item will be collected by the Raid leader and when the time is appropriate he will offer the item up for Bidding.

5. Bonus DKP:

From time to time Officers may decide that something needs to be accomplished and we see there is enough importance to accomplish this that there needs to be some Motivation Factor involved. We will place a Bonus DKP on the Objective that needs to be completed. For Example. The officers may decide that the Onyxia Key is very important to us and this needs to be done by Many of the Level 60’s in the guild. Therefore a 10 DKP Bonus may be placed on the Onyxia key.

6. Penalty DKP:

There are circumstances where a player will be penalized, and points will be deducted from his DKP total.

a. Signing up for a raid but not being available – -15 DKP

If you sign up for a raid, you will need to be available half an hour before the raid starts.

Not being available includes being offline, being afk, not answering any whispers, being in battlegrounds (and refusing to go out), and playing an alt.

If you sign up but do not meet the requirements (have not done prequests), this penalty also applies.

If you leave a note to an officer before signing up, stating you may not be available, then this penalty does not apply.

​Players who are not available 30 minutes prior to the raid start time lose their rights for that raid.

b. Leaving a raid early – -5 DKP

If you leave a raid before it officially ends, you will be penalized.

If you leave without a valid reason, an extra -1 DKP penalty will be applied, and you will be “graylisted”, meaning you will be picked last for all future raids.

If an emergency situation arises, and you warn an officer at least 30 minutes prior to leaving, then this penalty may be lessened.

If you inform an officer before the raid begins, that you must leave at a specific time, then this penalty does not apply.

Players who leave with no message will get blacklisted.

c. Not fullfilling raid role -- -5 DKP

​If any member shows consistent extreme poor performance in their raid role, they are subject to a DKP penalty.

example: DPS falling significatly below the median DPS for the guild through multiple raids.

While we are trying to have a good time and keep it fun, it is important that everyone contributes the best they can so that we can complete our raids and progress. If a member consistently does not fill their role, their raid spot may no longer be garunteed.

d. DKP wipe after extended absence

After 45 days without attending a guild raid that utilizes dkp, a members dkp will be set to 0. Exceptions to this can be made if you notify Bgmeatyclaws or Bonkedy of the absence in advance (ie. military deployments).

7. Greed Items

For all items that are BELOW epic quality, the raid leader will pass the item to the guild disenchanter to have mats for guild bank. The raid leader may make exceptions to this rule if there are available blue upgrades for alts.

8. Wiping the Raid:

a. In attempt to not become too relaxed that it affects effeciency, there will be a DKP penalty for raid wiping mistakes. The first time someone wipes the raid by either accidentally pulling or sitting in the raid with burning adrenaline or living bomb, you will be marked with a warning as honest mistakes happen. The 2nd time and after, members will be deducted 1 dkp for each raid member that dies as a result of the mistake. If more than 15 people are wiped then it is a 40 dkp reduction.

9. Materials for Professions and Patterns / Recipes / Formulas:

a. Core Lava’s, Fiery Core’s, Core Leathers, Dark Iron Ore, Essences of Fire etc. All of these are being used to build Epic Pieces that will benefit raid progression as a whole. If you wish to purchase items for 50% market value Guild discount, message Bonkedy or BgMeatyClaws.

10. Disciplinary Action

a. Members that show unusual behavior in their looting habits will be counseled. If it is an excessive attempt to abuse or self-profit from the system, they will be warned/punished. DKP is designed to distribute loot, it is not payment for services.

b. If you are AFK for a significant portion of a raid, you will not earn any DKP for that raid.

c. If you fail to follow basic raid instructions, have to be reminded to do the normal things required (getting buffs, etc), or do anything that is detrimental to a raid, a raid leader may remove you from the Raid and Zero Points will be awarded to the offender.

If you attempt to cheat the system by:

1. Lying that you were present for a raid when you were not,

2. Milking raids through excessive AFKs, or by any other means.

3. Habitually showing a lackluster attitude towards raiding in general after being counseled,

A raid leader (along with 2 other raid leaders, or guild leader) may issue any consequence from subtracting 2.0 DKP from your DKP pool up to guild removal without possibility of a retrial depending on the extraneous circumstances and past histories.

If you are late for a raid and do not make it before the pull of the first Sub-BOSS mob, you are not guaranteed to earn full DKP for that Raid.